S-13 (Central avenue) pedestrian Improvements
Summerville, SC
Client: Town of Summerville
Date Completed:
Professional Services: On-going
Construction: TBD
Services Provided:
Project management
Public Involvement
Roadway and drainage design
SCDOT coordination
Project specifications and bid documents
Construction cost estimates
Construction phase services
Sub-consultant coordination
DESCRIPTION: Central Avenue (S-13) Sidewalk/Multi-use Path Improvements involve a new 5-ft sidewalk to provide pedestrian safety along a 3-mile section from near W. Carolina Avenue to near Orangeburg Road (S-22), and it also includes the design of a 12-ft pedestrian bridge to span Negro Branch. The project was separated into three phases for design and construction to meet the Town’s fiscally constrained budget:
- Phase 1: From S-59 (Parsons Road) to W. Carolina Avenue
- Phase 2: From S-58 (W. Butternut Road) to 260-ft West of S-59 (Parsons Road)
- Phase 3: From S-58 (W. Butternut Road) to near S-22 (Orangeburg Road)
The project has been designed to minimize/eliminate impacts to trees and utilities by weaving the sidewalk around significant trees and major utilities. As Summerville is known as “Flower Town in the Pines”, an arborist is part of the team and reviewed the alignment. The alignment was tweaked in a few areas based on the comments to either further minimize impacts or to remove damaged trees.
Public involvement was also performed for the entire project, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town hosted a virtual public meeting in place of a traditional, in-person meeting. Conceptual exhibits were prepared for the meeting.
Preliminary plans were prepared for the entire project which included a new 12-ft pedestrian bridge, downstream of an existing 7’x7’ box culvert under Central Avenue as the existing shoulder width would not accommodate a 5-ft sidewalk. This area will require new right of way; all other improvements will remain in the present right of way.
Due to funding and changes to Town Council, only phase 1 will be permitted and constructed as it is located within the Town’s limit. The other two phases are on-hold as they are in the County. If phase 3 proceeds to construction, it will require hydrology & hydraulic analysis of Negro Branch.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The project is separated into three phases for design and construction to meet the Town’s fiscally constrained budget. J. Bragg Consulting is performed project management, pathway design, public involvement, etc. J. Bragg Consulting coordinated with SCDOT to obtain the encroachment permit; developed project specifications and supplemental technical specifications; prepare construction cost estimates; coordinate with the Town/SC DHEC-OCRM for land disturbance. J. Bragg Consulting coordinated with subconsultants for retaining wall design, hydrology & hydraulic design, wetland delineations, geotechnical investigations, and utility coordination.
- Phase 1: Construction plans and permits are completed.
- Phase 2: Designed and on-hold
- Phase 3: 65% Designed and on-hold

18 Daffodil Farm Way
Bluffton, SC 29910
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